May 2024 Sagittarius Full Moon: Greet it with abundance and a new door will open!

May 2024 Sagittarius Full Moon: Greet it with abundance and a new door will open!

Chantianet DreamsWaker 2024-05-20 18:00 23 listened

DreamcallerDreamsWakerHappy dream easy to wake up

“22 MayofSagittarius Full Moon, weaving some playful energy in the sky of the universe. After experiencing intense solar storms and vibrations from the stars, the full moon in May gives us an opportunity to lighten our load and bring our intentions back to joy.
It’s easy to forget that part of our common purpose on this planet is to experience the joy of fulfillment.​, but the Sagittarius Full Moon can remind us.

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​Source: Forever Conscious · Tanaaz​Provenance: DreamsWaker​

Full Text Word Count: 2557Reading time: 8 minutes

Sagittarius Full Moon​​Will arrive on May 22,Bring waves of adventure, fun and games!Few full moons encourage us to find joy,Don’t take things too seriously,Remember that life is a rich emotional experience.

At the full moon in Sagittarius,We may find it easier to greet with an abundance of mind,And feel optimistic about the future.Before we might see closed doors or barriers,This full moon has illuminated us,We see a new way forward.​​

To harness the energy of this full moon,​Gratitude will be our key.The more we focus on all the gifts and abundance around us,The more we can celebrate where we are today,And be at peace with our current situation,We will feel more benefits from this full moon.

1Sagittarius Full Moon and Making Happiness Our IntentionThe Sagittarius Full Moon and Making Joy our Intention

Use this full moon to remind you to find happiness,​​To celebrate all the things that make you feel good,And bring some adventure and games to your life!​​​​Find ways to lighten up and bring some fun into your life.​​
Try new things, make friends that make you feel good,Do something that ignites your passion,Remember that life is not all hard work,These are good ways to regulate this energy.
Releasing shame when pleasure is our intention can also help.Sometimes,We feel it necessary to work hard,In order to feel productive,Or we’re making a change.But sometimes,The biggest difference we can make to our lives and the lives of others,Is to be in your own happiness,And find joy.
See if you can use the energy of the full moon to put happiness first,​​See how it started to evolve,And take your life in a new direction.

2Sign of the full moon in SagittariusThe Sagittarius Full Moon Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for this full moon is -​”A child is learning to walk.”​
We often think that children learn to walk slowly, even clumsily,And while that may be true,But actually it’s brave.​​Children must be determined,They have to believe in themselves,They have to know they can do it,Even if they can’t quite do it yet.

A child learning to walk is a determined, courageous,​Brave soul He is ready to take a step into new territory,And never give up,Until they get it right!
Maybe in your own life,Some things make you feel like a baby just taking its first steps.There may be a situation,You think you’re groping,Not sure if you’re really heading in the right direction.
This full moon encourages us to keep going.​​It encourages us to find the courage and courage to take these steps,Try new things and challenge the way we think about ourselves.We may spend our whole lives crawling,But now it is time to move on to the next evolution of our destiny.

The full moon in May provides an upgrade for all of us,​​If we are ready to take that step.We may find an opportunity coming our way,Or maybe something in our past has finally peaked.There is some general luck on our side,Signal to amplify our intentions.

3Sagittarius Full Moon and Dream StarThe Sagittarius Full Moon and the Planet of Dreams

​​​Neptune, the planet of dreams, is active under this full moon,When it comes to achieving our dreams,Gave us a wave of support.Dare to dream, dare to reach higher,Let the light of the full moon guide your way.

Neptune is also a very creative planet,So particularly creative projects will be supported.We may also feel a surge of creativity,Let us think and feel differently about the world around us.

Whenever Neptune’s energy is strong,This is often the universe’s way of reminding us to trust our instincts.​​Under the power of Neptune,Our intuition will be enhanced,So if there is something you need to end or release from your life,Listen to your instincts.
Neptune will lead us to the end of something,The positive energy of the full moon will be our assurance,A new door will open.

4Work with the energy of the full moon in May 2024Working with the Energy of the May 2024 Full Moon

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!If you want to absorb the rich vibrations that this full moon brings,
You have to put yourself in a state of abundance,The quickest way is to be grateful.Be thankful for what you have,It allows you to raise your vibration,Look at things in a more positive way.

If you are going through a struggle,See if you can get rid of fear by resting and finding time to enjoy.Let happiness and joy be your goal,​See how it can help you change things.
The Sagittarius Full Moon also offers some courage​​​And courageous energy,Encourage us to level up and move on to the next step.Like a baby learning to walk,Things may feel scary and uncertain at first,But if we believe in ourselves,We will eventually find a way forward.
The full moon is a good point in time,Things that bring closure or climax during the month.Neptune will lead us to trust our instincts,We may not know all the facts,But when Neptune is involved,​We just have to trust our inner voice.​

5May 2024 Sagittarius Full Moon CeremonySagittarius Full Moon Ritual 2024

But if you want to embody the energy of this full moon,Bring joy to your heart and enhance your intuition,This ceremony is for you. Hope you like it!
For best results,Suggested in the20-30 May 2024To perform this ritual at any time between

The materials you need:1 Energy purification tool of your choice (e.g. dried herb bars, oils, bells, crystals, etc.)2 Upbeat music (optional)3 Pen and paper4 Sacred Passage Meditation 🔗

Ritual Steps:
Sagittarius Full Moon Ritual for Evoking JoySagittarius Full Moon Awakening Joy Ceremony

1Start by clearing your aura with the tool of your choice.​​See Read More 🔗 How do you clean your home and personal space?As you clean up, say the following prayer:
​”I shake off all that is no longer needed and purge my aura of all that no longer serves my highest well-being. As I cleanse myself from head to toe, I remind myself that happiness is my birthright. I awaken my cells with the power of joy. I awaken my heart with the power of joy. I allow joy to ripple in every part of my body. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you.」

2If used, turn on upbeat music,Then start shaking, swaying, and twisting your body!Imagine that you are dusting off the old,Make room for lightness.A good way to shake is,Gently jump up and down if you can.(There are no rules, as long as your body allows you to move.) )When you do, smile!It may seem unnatural or uncomfortable at first,But keep shaking your body and smiling!Relax and laugh away any insecurities.Do this for 1-2 minutes or a song at a time.

Here’s one for you # The Awakening Playlist”Scan QR code” Collection Music Playlist 🎧

3Take out your pen and paper,Make a list of 10 things that bring you joy.Keep it simple, but be real.

4Please do not read the next step,Until you have completed Step 3!

5Now, looking at your list of 10 things,I want you to choose one thing you can do right now,Or at least a small step,Make a commitment to one thing on your list!No excuses, pick up your phone,Call your friends, make an appointment,Sign up for a class, watch funny cat videos,Bake a cake, eat a cake!

6Once you’re done, celebrate and thank yourself!Then, let your body settle down,ConductSacred Passage Meditation 🔗

Your ceremony is complete!

Full Moon Blessing!Full Moon Blessings!

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