How to live without stress😊

How to live without stress😊

Sanat Kumara

The principle of health is: live from the inside out!

The first lesson is: take personal responsibility for what happens in your life.

The second lesson is based on the question: what do you want to achieve in this life?

The third lesson is: accept the facts.
Today, the revolution takes place within you first. If it had not taken place there, it would not have taken place anywhere.

If you’re not prepared to face yourself in depth, you don’t even need to take to the streets to protest against this or that. That is the focus of all efforts today.

You know, but you still adhere to the old habits, restlessness, constantly doing, wrong diet, outdated concept of life, outdated beliefs!

God is still a stranger, a distant person, your desire for self-knowledge is buried in the activities of daily life.

You can object, “yes, but now that the whole world has collapsed, I have to worry about survival!”

You can say, “but yes, I have a company, a family and a child who need protection and my work!” You can quote this reason: “everything I do is for my compatriots.”

You can bring all this and more into the discussion, but in the end there’s a fact that your hyperactivity overwhelms your desire for God!

Honey, as long as you live on the fast lane, you don’t know what your life is about.

Every time, every incarnation and every life gives you enough excuses to deal with yourself, not your environment. This is the deception you’ve been through, over and over again, until you see through what you need to see.

The first lesson is: take personal responsibility for what happens in your life.

After that, your vision will be clear and your perception will be on the right track. If you are completely focused on yourself, if you start the work of self redemption, you are always on the right path.

The real cause of permanent stress and constant overload is always too little divine connection within you. So use every opportunity to connect with your inner self. Everyone has this opportunity, even if he thinks he’s drowned in his work, or he thinks daily life prevents him from doing so.

The second lesson is based on the question: what do you want to achieve in this life?

Do you want to understand yourself and, if necessary, change yourself? Or do you prefer to hide your inner problems through an unstable existence?

Answer this question and treat it sincerely! Now no one is listening to you, except yourself, you are not responsible for anyone! What do you want? The answer to this question determines everything. Does this information suit you?

Dear ones, stress and excessive demands, if they occur for a long time and cannot be controlled, can have extremely negative effects on your mental and physical systems. It’s just a matter of time, when your body no longer cooperates, when you will shrink psychologically.

Permanent overwork needs treatment! If you have understood this, it only depends on which therapist you choose: the love of God, divine light, angels, masters and creators, or the worldly intervention of competent human brothers and sisters, who can encourage you to examine and bring you closer to yourself.

So, if you have realized that you need to remove stress and overload from your life, what should you do?

1) Pray and ask your Creator for help!

  1. Be ready to change your life!
  2. Inner peace and tranquility must be real concern, otherwise, it is meaningless to ask for anything. If you really need this kind of help, heaven is by your side. If the wish fails, there must be a wish to exist in your healing.

As long as you need valuable, meaningful, accepted and loved activities, your painful learning will happen.

How do you define your self-worth? This is the only legal issue. Do you love yourself? Do you often want to be someone else?

In these thoughts, the key is to understand your “being in this way” and what you want to redeem and experience in your life.

So the third lesson is: accept the facts. It’s the hardest practice because it’s hard to accept yourself when you’ve always wanted to appear in other ways.

With the third class, we went around. Once again, you are responsible for yourself: from powerlessness to power, from helplessness to self-consciousness – a victim becomes pure divine consciousness, beyond form and things.

Finally, let me give you a simple exercise

Within a week, be aware of your stressors!

Write down the things that put pressure on you and make a mess of your life every day. Long term overwork can lead to chronic diseases. Sour money can lead to over acidification and uncontrollable emotional outbursts. Be aware of all this.

Then start “no eating pressure.”.
Instead of working restlessly, spend time with yourself. You should spend this holiday in your daily life! Your environment, whether at work or at home, should notice that you are no longer responsible for everything and everyone. This 7-day “no stress therapy” brings you new ideas and creates a sense of freedom in you, something you have to do for a long time.

It’s often these little things and simple things that restore the quality of your life. What’s the use of a long vacation on the beach if you start your old and wrong life again? It’s only there that you can liberate yourself, where you can limit and restrain yourself. It’s usually your daily life. It’s the daily patterns and habits that make you sick or healthy. An extended vacation, an annual suspension, is not a permanent solution. Solve your problems. Or do you want to fish in the desert?

A lot of people complain about pressure, but they are almost reluctant to change anything. In some cases, does stress make sense?

Sanat Kumara: one feels permanent pressure or pressure, not even aware that it is always on the wrong path. It’s noble not to manage. It’s a crime to maltreat yourself as much as it is to maltreat your neighbors.

“Love yourself as you love your neighbor.”

If there is a lack of love, there will be a lack – and for a person with great pressure, there is always a lack of love for himself! In some cases, however, one experiences temporary stress.
In a world that’s going through this transformation, it’s hard to avoid.
However, it is always a question of how quickly a person can get rid of the pressure and regain himself. Basically, it’s like this: a sense of constant communication with God can deal with stress, and a sense limited to external perception is absorbed by stress.
So create a new field in your life! Imagine a new everyday life and realize that stress erodes your life until you or your life has nothing.

Life in joy

Dear people, let yourself fully integrate into your life! Love it, love yourself! Just like you are today, you are right.

Turn wrong habits into right ones, and your life will be a joyous celebration.
No one asks you to use your foot to brake, but sometimes it’s good to recognize the danger and control the car in time.

Because of the danger brought by your uneasiness, pressure and overload, and because of the misunderstanding of the concept of life, it is necessary to firmly hold the steering wheel of your life and step on the brake.

Maybe you live someone else’s life, maybe you think you have to save the world? But what do you have left?

How to live without stress 😊

Sanat Kumara
